Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This is Mr. June

JB Mauney

So I've been trying to maintain a positive attitude about all the rotten crap that going on at work...but right now it's really hard. Last night I was told a whole bunch more "juicy" details from when I was on vacation and random observations too.
  1. It's apparently OK to pass out and fall asleep at our offsite warehouse if you are a team lead. If your as sick as this particular team still is 5 days later you shouldn't have come to work in the first place! Does that make me a pain in the ass for actually wishing he hadn't shown up to work?
  2. It's cruel and unusual punishment to leave a lone veteran (me) on the line while we're unloading the truck with a 5 practically brand new team members.
  3. Our guy team leads are sexist pigs.
  4. Our new ETL is incapable of having any fun at all....We are in the process of putting on a "penny war" at work and all of the proceeds will be going to United Way and the ETL that loses gets to be pied by the ETL that had the most pennies in there jar. She happens to be the ETL that is currently losing BIG time. She found out that my brother's fiancee put $40 in her jar from some brown noser on our team and she's been giving her crap ever since. This is supposed to be something fun for everybody in the store and she's turning it into a personal attack.
  5. It would be nice if there were actually band-aids in our first aid kits.
  6. Drama Club is in recess until I get back to work on Friday. Can hardly wait to hear what happens next!

6 All My Friends Say!:

terri said...

Mr. June looks like a boy to me. I must be getting old!

BITR Country Girl said...

I don't know when those pictures were even taken, cause recent photo's of him show tattoo's and there definately are NO tatt's in that photo that's for sure!

BITR Country Girl said...

P.S. He is a little young...just turned 21 in January.

Jen's Farmily said...

Mr. June is a young whipper-snapper I'd say. hee hee.

Work drama sucks. I'm sure once we get our line started that I'll be in the midst of it all... And I hate when people take a good thing (like penny wars) and turn it into this big deal. Who cares?! It's all in the name of good!!

MichelleSG said...

Mr. June needs to hit puberty and then maybe I'd like his chest a bit more. Oh and it's time to find a new job. Maybe someplace with other people who have hit puberty too?

Natalia said...

I hate work drama! Why can't everyone just get along?

I found you on Chubby Chicks Christmas Challenge...hope you have a great week!